Poker Hands Texas Hold Em

Poker hands from highest to lowest 1. Royal flush A, K, Q, J, 10, all the same suit. How to Play Poker Poker Rules Poker Hand Rankings Poker Tools Hold'em Poker Odds Calculator Omaha Poker. The Texas Hold’em odds of how likely hands are to unfold after the flop will help guide almost every action you make on the flop Odds On the Flop in Texas Hold’em. The flop is the turning point of a Hold’em hand. This is where you’re going to make your biggest and most expensive decisions. A pair of aces is one of the best starting hands in Texas Hold'em, but do you know what the top worst starting hands might be?If you know which hands are 'almost-always-fold 'em hands,' meaning that you're going to likely fold when you have this hand, you can better evaluate what you're holding at the start of the game. Knowing how to spot these fold 'em hands are an important part of.

Texas Hold’em poker is one of the known onlinegame in the world. It is driven by the popularity of tournament poker, Hold’em is one of the card game that is played by maximum people online and offline as well. It is a community card game where every player is dealt two private cards and five communities/ open cards.

What is Texas Hold’em poker?

Texas Hold’em is the most famous card game. The players on the poker table will get two cards (dealt face-down) which is not visible to other players. They are called the hole cards. There are five cards face-up on the table apart from the hole cards. These face-up dealt cards are known as ‘community cards’.

How to play Texas Hold’em?

Two cards are dealt face down to every player in the beginning and these cards are knownas hole cards. It is followed by a round of betting. The betting starts with a small blind to the left of the dealer which is followed by a big blind. In heads-up, the dealer will become small blind. They are forced or compulsory bets that should be made before one’s cards. The game will run clockwise starting from the blinds with every player having the option to call, raise or fold. The blinds are live so the players can raise in quantity when the action gets back around to them. If two players are playing the game, thedealer posts the small blind and second player places the big blind. The action again come back to the small blind and then he needs to make his move – call, fold or raise based on the strength of his cards to continue betting.

Game Stages

The game is divided into four rounds of betting. Initial pot is forming by Blind Bet. The first player who takes place at the table becomes a dealer. The game starts from the position next to the dealer button, a round disk marks would be the dealer. If players take place at the table simultaneously, on tournaments for example, each player receives straight one card face up. In this case the deal begins from the player to the left of the virtual dealer, and that player who receives the card of maximum value first, becomes a dealer. A dealer button moves clockwise from player to player with each round


Before a game starts, the two players to the left of the dealer make Blind Bets, so-called because they are made before the players have seen any cards. This is called 'posting the blinds'. The Blinds ensure that there is some money in the pot to play for at the very start of the game. The player to the left of the dealer posts the Small Blind. The second player to the left of the dealer posts the Big Blind which is equal to the double Small Blind. If player does not have enough chips to make Blind Bet, he stakes everything he has at once. Please see All-In. If there are only two players in the game, Small Blind and Big Blind are posting also. In that case dealer posts Big Blind. After that the first round begins.


Every player receives two cards back up. Each player can see his cards only. The player to the left of the player who posted Big Blind begins a round of betting. This player can:

  • Call - match the amount bet in the big blind,
  • Raise - increase the amount bet, or
  • Fold - surrender his cards and stake in the game.

The same action can make each player when it is their turn to bet. When the betting returns to the player who made Big Blind, that player can not to increase the bet - Check - if it is equal to Big Blind (in case if no one player doesn't Raise). However, if an opponent has raised, Big Blind has three options: he must call, raise or fold. When all bets get equal, the initial pot is formed and the game turns to the next round (Flop).


In this round dealer is facing up three of Community Cards, which players can use to make their five-card hand. These cards are called 'Flop'. Player who makes Small Blind begins the betting round. If he flop the cards, the betting round begins from the first player to the left of him who does not flop the cards. When all bets get equal, the game goes to the next round (Turn).


A fourth Community Card is dealt face up on the table. The third round of betting begins. The action starts with the first player still remaining in the hand who is closest to the left of the button.


The fifth and final Community Card is dealt, and the final betting round is beginning. The action again starts with the first player still remaining in the hand who is closest to the left of the button.


When all bets get equal, it is time to show the cards. The last player to bet or raise during the final betting round shows his cards first. If during the last betting round all the remaining players are checking (nobody betting), the first player to the left from dealer who did not discard is to show his cards first. The other players reveal their cards moving clockwise around the table. If player's current hand is weaker than winning hand shown, he has the option to show or muck his cards. The best five-card hand takes the pot. If two players share an identical hand, the pot is split. Each player may claim the pot in forming of which he took part. Please see All-In.


Missed Blinds Policy

To prevent players from entering games in a late position to avoid placing blinds, you will have to post an initial fee, equal to Big Blind or you can sit out and wait until Big Blind reaches your position. Player can choose to:

  • Post Big Blind or,
  • Wait for Big Blind.

If the player chooses to wait for Big Blind he will be sitting out and won't be able to join the action until Big Blind comes around to his position. If the player were at the table and then sat out for a while and missed his Big Blind, he will also have to miss Small Blind and the dealer's button. If you missed the small and big blind, you will be required to post an amount equal to the big blind plus a 'dead' bet equal to the small blind.


If the player finishes his chips he may not to fold the cards. The player can go All-In and bet all his chips. In this case the pot is divided into the Main pot and the Side pot. All the next bets are included to the Side pot. If the player which goes All-In did not win, the winner receives all chips (both the Main and Side pots). If the player who goes All-In wins, he receives the Main pot, but the Side pot is passed to the player having the second highest ranking Poker hand. If several players go All-In, the several Side pots can be created. If the player who accepted all All-In bets does not go All-In by himself, but appears to have the highest ranking hand when cards were revealed, he takes the Main pot as well as the all Side pots. If the highest ranking hand has the player who went All-In, he takes the pot or all pots which were created until he went All-In. Every All-In player having highest ranking hand can take only the pot (or pots) in forming of which he took part.

Hands and Rules to Play Texas Hold’em Poker

Every player interested in playing Texas Hold’em, the poker players are dealt with two face down cards known as “hole cards”. There are rounds of betting that includes – Bet, flop and check. This stage is popularly termed as the “pre-flop” and the players need to depend completely on the starting hands or hole cards while playing Texas Hold’em Poker


Texas Holdem Poker Hands Order

After the betting is complete, three cards are shared which are dealt face up and kept in the middle of the table. This step is called the “flop”. After this there is another round of betting and the fourth card known as the “turn” is also dealt. Followed by this is another round of betting commences after this and the final card is shared on the table called the “river”. After all the cards are kept face up in the middle of the table the last round of betting continues.

The best hand of the game is determined takin in consideration the hole cards and the five exposed cards.


The game can end in two ways:

  • Show down; this happens when the players turn over their hole card and the best hand wins.
  • The other way is that one player bets so that the others at the table fold. This remains the magic of the game as always.

Hands that can win:

Let’s take a look at the Texas Hold’em Poker Hands:

Odds Of Poker Hands Texas Hold Em

  • Royal Flush – Ace high straight flush. For example – A-K-Q-J-10 of diamonds.
  • Straight flush – five card straight of same suit. For Example – 3-4-5-6-7 of hearts/spades/diamonds/clubs.
  • Four of a kind – Four cards pf equal value – For Example – 4 Jacks.
  • Full house – A pair and three cards of same value – For Example – Q-Q-Q-2-2
  • Flush – Any 5 cards of same suit – For Example – 2, 3, 4, Q, J of spades.
  • Three of a kind – Three Cards of same value. For Example – A-A-A
  • Two pairs – Two Cards of one value another two cards of another same value – For Example – 3 – J-J-A-A
  • Pair – Two cards of same rank – 2 Qs
  • High Card – The hand with the highest cards. If there are two or more players hold the high cards, kickers come into play.

Additional Resource:

One of the most popular variations of Poker in the world.

The Pack

The standard 52 card pack is used.

Poker Hands

Poker Hands Texas Holdem

Five of a Kind - This is the highest possible hand and can occur only where at least one card is wild, such as a joker. Examples of five of a kind would be four 10s and a wild card or two queens and three wild cards.

Straight Flush - This is the highest possible hand when only the standard pack is used, and there are no wild cards. A straight flush consists of five cards of the same suit in sequence, such as 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 of hearts.

Poker Hands Texas Hold Em

Four of a Kind - This is the next highest hand. An example is four aces or four 3s.

Full House - This colorful hand is made up of three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank, such as three 8s and two 4s.

Flush - Five cards all of the same suit, but not all in sequence, is a flush. An example is Q, 10, 7, 6, and 2 of clubs.


Straight - Five cards in sequence, but not all of the same suit is a straight. An example is 9♥, 8♣, 7♠, 6♦, 5♥.

Three of a Kind - This combination contains three cards of the same rank, and the other two cards each of a different rank, such as three jacks, a seven, and a four.

Two Pairs - This hand contains a pair of one rank and another pair of a different rank, plus any fifth card of a different rank, such as Q, Q, 7, 7, 4.

One Pair - This frequent combination contains just one pair with the other three cards being of different rank. An example is 10, 10, K, 4, 3.

No Pair - This very common hand contains 'nothing.' None of the five cards pair up, nor are all five cards of the same suit or consecutive in rank. When more than one player has no pair, the hands are rated by the highest card each hand contains, so that an ace-high hand beats a king-high hand, and so on.

Object of the Game

Poker Hands Texas Hold'em Rules

Before and after each card(s) is revealed, players take turns to bet. To stay in the hand and see the next card, all players must have put the same amount of chips in the pot as each other.

The best poker hand wins the pot.

The Deal

Every player is dealt two cards, for their eyes only.

The dealer spreads five cards - three at once, then another, then another - which can be used by all players to make their best possible five-card hand.

The Play

In Hold'em, each player is dealt two private cards (known as ‘hole cards’) that belong to them alone. Five community cards are dealt face-up, to form the ‘board’. All players in the game use these shared community cards in conjunction with their own hole cards to each make their best possible five-card poker hand. In Hold'em, a player may use any combination of the seven cards available to make the best possible five-card poker hand, using zero, one or two of their private hole cards.

The Blinds

In Hold'em, a marker called ‘the button’ or ‘the dealer button’ indicates which player is the dealer for the current game. Before the game begins, the player immediately clockwise from the button posts the 'small blind', the first forced bet. The player immediately clockwise from the small blind posts the 'big blind', which is typically twice the size of the small blind, but the blinds can vary depending on the stakes and betting structure being played.

In Limit games, the big blind is the same as the small bet, and the small blind is typically half the size of the big blind but may be larger depending on the stakes. For example, in a $2/$4 Limit game the small blind is $1 and the big blind is $2. In a $15/$30 Limit game, the small blind is $10 and the big blind is $15.

In Pot Limit and No Limit games, the games are referred to by the size of their blinds (for example, a $1/$2 Hold’em game has a small blind of $1 and a big blind of $2).

Depending on the exact structure of the game, each player may also be required to post an ‘ante’ (another type of forced bet, usually smaller than either blind, posted by all players at the table) into the pot.

Now, each player receives his or her two hole cards. Betting action proceeds clockwise around the table, starting with the player ‘under the gun’ (immediately clockwise from the big blind).

Player Betting Options

In Hold'em, as with other forms of poker, the available actions are ‘fold’, ‘check’, ‘bet’, ‘call’ or ‘raise’. Exactly which options are available depends on the action taken by the previous players. If nobody has yet made a bet, then a player may either check (decline to bet, but keep their cards) or bet. If a player has bet, then subsequent players can fold, call or raise. To call is to match the amount the previous player has bet. To raise is to not only match the previous bet, but to also increase it.


After seeing his or her hole cards, each player now has the option to play his or her hand by calling or raising the big blind. The action begins to the left of the big blind, which is considered a ‘live’ bet on this round. That player has the option to fold, call or raise. For example, if the big blind was $2, it would cost $2 to call, or at least $4 to raise. Action then proceeds clockwise around the table.

Betting continues on each betting round until all active players (who have not folded) have placed equal bets in the pot.

The Flop

Now, three cards are dealt face-up on the board. This is known as ‘the flop’. In Hold'em, the three cards on the flop are community cards, available to all players still in the hand. Betting on the flop begins with the active player immediately clockwise from the button. The betting options are similar to pre-flop, however if nobody has previously bet, players may opt to check, passing the action to the next active player clockwise.

The Turn

When the betting action is completed for the flop round, the ‘turn’ is dealt face-up on the board. The turn is the fourth community card in Hold'em (and is sometimes also called ‘Fourth Street’). Another round of betting ensues, beginning with the active player immediately clockwise from the button.

The River

When betting action is completed for the turn round, the ‘river’ or ‘Fifth Street’ is dealt face-up on the board. The river is the fifth and final community card in a Hold'em game. Betting again begins with the active player immediately clockwise from the button, and the same betting rules apply as they do for the flop and turn, as explained above.

The Showdown

If there is more than one remaining player when the final betting round is complete, the last person to bet or raise shows their cards, unless there was no bet on the final round in which case the player immediately clockwise from the button shows their cards first. The player with the best five-card poker hand wins the pot. In the event of identical hands, the pot will be equally divided between the players with the best hands. Hold'em rules state that all suits are equal.

After the pot is awarded, a new hand of Hold'em is ready to be played. The button now moves clockwise to the next player, blinds and antes are once again posted, and new hands are dealt to each player.

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